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We are Victory Co.

The amount of work that goes into a race is endless.

Weeks and weeks of training, including the ups and downs.

The prep work - nutrition, logistics, mental preparation.

Getting to the start line healthy.

Being your worst enemy and biggest cheerleader and you run the race.

Feeling the energy of the crowd.

Crossing the finish line.



Now, you can wear your victories wherever you go - from date night, to carpool, to a fancy night on the town. Your medals will be on your wall, but your victories will be with you all of the time.

We're creating the official finisher jewelry for the 2024 Chicago Marathon. Pre-Sale Starts June 1.

It’s more than just a race - it’s a VICTORY.

I created Victory Co. to allow all of you to bottle that feeling and bring what you’re most proud of with you, EVERYWHERE. Be proud. Show it off. Or keep it to yourself. Now when you hang that medal, you can keep one close to you - designed to meet any attire.

Keep the victories coming!



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How to Get into the World Major Marathons: A Six-Star Finisher's Guide

by Amy Mangueira | 10 June, 2024

I'm privileged to be a six-star finisher, but the journey wasn't without its logistical challenges. I'm often asked, "How did you get into all the World Majors?" While there's no magic formula, I'll share my experience to help you navigate the increasingly competitive process.

How To Stay Motivated During Race Training

by Amy Mangueira | 24 January, 2022

You signed up for your spring race (or got into Boston - YAY) and now it’s February and you're starting to hit that “unmotivated” streak. This streak is amplified 110% if you live in a place where the weather is cold. I will never forget the year that I was training in Chicago for the Tokyo Marathon. We had a polar vortex which basically meant that I couldn’t go outside to just get the mail. So running was not an option. I remember having to do a 2+ hour treadmill run that day. I felt like the hardest thing ever - and how I was so unmotivated during this time.

5 Ways to Celebrate Your Loved One After Their First Marathon

by Amy Mangueira | 24 January, 2022

So your loved one is running a marathon, huh? Not onlyWhile they have they been training hard for 12-16 weeks, likely adjusting their diet, social night, etc, you, too have been on the support training team. Whether it was going to bed with themyour loved one at 9pm on a Friday nights for their long, early morning run because you know they need to get up early for their long run, bringing water while they were out for their miles, or simply cheering them on, or and listening to all their ups and downs that come with intense marathon training. There is no doubt that runners simply cannot do it without you.

3% of all Victory Co. Orders go to Girls on the Run

It's important that we're always doing our part to shape our girls for generations to come. Girls on the Run, a national non-profit organization, designs programming that strengthens third- to eighth grade girls’ social, emotional, physical and behavioral skills to successfully navigate life experiences, all through running. This puts more meaning behind our miles for sure.